DHM Recipes

(Complete Recipe) Siamese Laksa

Written By Vie on Thursday, April 20, 2017 | 5:23 PM

Siamese Laksa Recipe
serves 7-8pax

1kg pre-cooked laksa noodles (easily can get from wet market, if not can buy those dried ones from supermarkets)
* Soak or rinse the laksa noodles it in cold water then strain after it become entangled. For dry version laksa noodles, the instruction is available on the packaging itself.

1.5kg fresh ikan kembung or yellowtail or sardines, canned tuna [i use kembung & canned sardines discard gravy]

**Grounded spice paste**
9 red chillies
4 tbsp chilli boh
1 torch ginger
1 tbsp belacan powder (dried shrimp powder)
15 kaffir lime leaves
4 candlenuts
3 cekur leaves
3 daun kunyit
2cm size galangal (lengkuas)
4 stalks lemongrass
12nos shallots
5 cloves garlic
20g fresh turmeric

**Ingredients A**
5cm size galangal (lightly smashed)
4 stalks lemongrass [smashed the white part only)
10 stalks daun kesom
15 kaffir lime leaves
1 torch ginger flower
50g tamarind pulp, dilute with 500ml water to get the juice (mix in hot water for five min the tamarind pulp and wait for it to cold then squeeze it to obtain the juice)
500g coconut milk
Sugar to taste [self preference]
Salt to taste

**Ingredients for garnishing**
Chinese lettuce
1 cucumber
Mint leaves
1 torch ginger
Red chillies
Cili padis
2 red onions
Prawn paste (heh ko)

1. Blend all the spice paste ingredients finely

2. Then heat up a pot 3 litres of water. Bring to a boil and then add fish. Boil on medium heat until the fish is cooked.

3. Strain the fish soup & transfer the cooked fish to a bowl and let it cool then deboned the fish. keep the fish soup aside for later use.

4. Heat up 5 tbsp oil, add in & sauté the ground spice paste until fragrant/ dry texture.

5. Add in ingredients A and sauté for 3mins, add 250ml coconut milk. Sauté until the paste absorbs the milk for around 5mins.

6. Slowly add in the fish soup accordingly n remaining coconut milk, bring to a boil, add fish meat, & reduce heat to low and simmer for 1 hour. Add salt and sugar to your taste, if prefer more creamy texture add extra coconut milk.

Link back to DHM: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10156067958544535&set=pcb.1852438771683716&type=3
Credit: Jess Ch'ng

Please link back to this post if you're using this recipe: http://dhmrecipes.blogspot.my/2017/04/complete-recipe-siamese-laksa.html


About Vie


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