☆Nona Manis☆
1st Bater
▪1 cup coconut milk
▪1 tbs wheat flour
▪1/2 tsp salt

¤Optional : I put in 3 to 5 drops of vanilla extract to create a kick

*Heat the bater until thick. Save aside
2nd Bater
▪1/2 cup coconut milk
▪1/2 cup original pandan water
▪1/4 cup sugar
▪1/4 cup corn flour
▪1/2 tsp salt

Optional : Apple green food colour
*Mix all and heat until thick and shining. Keep stirring to avoid clumping and burning.
3rd Bater
▪1 cup coconut milk
▪1 cup wheat flour
▪1/2 cup sugar
▪1 egg (large) - separately, beat only to mix it

* In a bowl, mix all EXCEPT egg, stir until mixed well. Then, pour 3RD BATER into 2ND BATER and stir to mix well. Do not over stirring. Just keep stirring to mix the bater until smooth. Then, put the egg in the bater, the stir until all mixed well. I sieved my bater to get off the clumping and you can get best result, smooth and silky bater.
Once ready, assemble the red small cup in steamer, put the bater half of the cup. While, heat the bottom steamer to boil.
Then, put the 1ST BATER into sauce squeezer, pinch softly the white bater into the green body until it appear upwards in the middle. Once all done, steam with moderate heat for 7 to 8 minutes.
Let it COMPLETELY COOL to get the shape firm. Remove slowly from the cup and serve. U can have it with grated coconut + 1 tsp corn flour + pinch of salt, mix well then put some on top of the kuih
;) Happy trying
😇 ~

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Credit: Qaseh Manje Puteri ZainRose
Please link back to this post if you're using this recipe: http://dhmrecipes.blogspot.my/2017/02/complete-recipe-nona-manis.html
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